
Comic Con tour 2016

I attended Paris comic con and L.A Stan Lee Comic con and
joined the Red dragon con this year.. I met many friends and clients and fannibals in the con,
I was so glad they visited my booths, and gave me lots support.
Of course I wish that I can attend more comics con next year!
(I will try to finish my Hannibal fanart comics before Red Dragon con next year and share!)

These two ink painting that I speed draw on the Chinese paper at Paris comic con!
Thank you my French friends who love my ink paint! Véronique & Patrick! 

Samurai Brothers in arms comics cover

This is a samurai comic cover that I made for TITAN Comics.
until now that I draw 3 samurai covers, 
The story by Jean-François Di Giorgio, also the 
The comics artist Frédéric Genét are pretty awesome!
I feel proud to be one of cover artist in this good story!

I found my cover in London comics store.