
Comic Con tour 2016

I attended Paris comic con and L.A Stan Lee Comic con and
joined the Red dragon con this year.. I met many friends and clients and fannibals in the con,
I was so glad they visited my booths, and gave me lots support.
Of course I wish that I can attend more comics con next year!
(I will try to finish my Hannibal fanart comics before Red Dragon con next year and share!)

These two ink painting that I speed draw on the Chinese paper at Paris comic con!
Thank you my French friends who love my ink paint! Véronique & Patrick! 

Samurai Brothers in arms comics cover

This is a samurai comic cover that I made for TITAN Comics.
until now that I draw 3 samurai covers, 
The story by Jean-François Di Giorgio, also the 
The comics artist Frédéric Genét are pretty awesome!
I feel proud to be one of cover artist in this good story!

I found my cover in London comics store.


Manchu dynasty(1644-1912)

A history topic book cover design. Talked about ancient Chinese dynasty before ROC and PRC.
and you can see the images that have birds and dragon. every birds represented by their positions.
phoenix is symbol of queen
Dragon is symbol of King
chicken is symbol of second levels civil official 
 I  think I will draw more in the future (maybe..)