Avatar, the Last Airbender: The Legacy of Yangchen
A new cover for Avatar, the last airbender "Yang chen's novel
Phyrexia: All Will Be One-MTG
Multiverse Legends - MTG
Another seires for MTG cards.
Secret Lair Drop
I made new cards for MTG. Wizards of the coast New series update!
Avatar: The Last Airbender' + 'The Legend of Korra' to Unite in New Ultimate Blu-ray Collection.
My another art for K orra, Avatar: The Last Airbender' and 'The Legend of Korra' to Unite in New Ultimate Blu-ray Collection....
30th Anniversary- Glimpse of Nature
It is an honor to be able to draw the art for Magic of gathering / #secretlair 30th Anniversary countdown Kit, My artwork is [Glimpse of ...
"Kamigawa Ink
My arts "Kamigawa Ink". Magic: The Gathering announced Wizards of the Coast opened sales for a new Secret Lair drop. Kamigawa In...
台灣居合道-台北嚴心館學日本刀-做個 [武士] 武士刀體驗
加入了兩年多的居合道館, 台灣嚴心館 。 居合道和劍道是不同的武術, 我還沒接觸居合之前, 就很愛畫武士, 畫了10幾年, 門外漢的時候詢問會說 "我想學劍道"這種錯誤的說法, 而且完全沒有學過武術,而且我長期宅著工作, 連運動都很少,很擔心無法學得好, ...
My thrid Avatar novel cover art: The Dawn Of YANGCHEN! This is chronicles of Avatar series book 3 from New York Times bestselling author F....
She Who Became the Sun
My new cover art for ( Publisher):Tor Books (Author): Shelley Parker-Chan Illustration by JungShan Design by Jamie Stafford-Hill
Avatar - The Last Airbender Collection
Avatar: The Last Airbender Collection box set Europe. Publisher: Nickelodeon. ViacomCBS
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
My new art- Magic the Gathering Announcing secret lair drop series: YEAR OF THE RAT Publisher: Wizards of the Coast Global shop & shippi...
Lurking in the shadows
samurai is lurking in the shadows, enemy outside the ruins. The digital painting process
My Farewell Lady Album booklet
Album booklet / MV illustration. I made an album illustrations, This is a Chinese singer Waken Chou his musical soundtrack and publis...
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